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Determined St Clement's staff and pupils get buckets of support from Dingwall shoppers at Tesco in-store collection

By Hector MacKenzie

Michelle Mackay, Tesco's community champion, oversaw the bucket collection in Dingwall and thanked shoppers for their generosity.
Michelle Mackay, Tesco's community champion, oversaw the bucket collection in Dingwall and thanked shoppers for their generosity.

SENIOR pupils at a Dingwall school at the centre of a decades' long campaign for fit-for-purpose facilities felt the love of their local community at a three-day bucket collection in a local supermarket.

Dingwall's Tesco hosted a delegation from St Clement's special school with a total of £1,081.48 being raised over the period.

The school council has been campaigning for a new school with land on the edge of town set aside but funding remaining elusive after a number of setbacks.

The store's community champion Michelle Mackay welcomed the Parent Council from St Clement's in store.

She said: "Over the three days they have raised an impressive £1,081.48 for the school.

"We were treated to some Christmas songs and dancing, just amazing. The kids were so happy."

She added: "£1,081.48 is a drop in the ocean for what these kids actually deserve but I am so glad to have been able to offer them the chance to raise an amount that will go such a long way. Thank you to every single person who donated.

"The school kids, teachers, staff and the Parent Council are incredible and a credit to our community and will not stop fighting."

She said senior pupils told her how sad they are to be having their last Christmas there and want to stay. She said: "That says it all."

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