4190 miles of road, 60,000 tonnes of salt and 105 gritters: Highland Council prepares for winter
WHILE many of us are still adjusting to the autumn chill, people in the Highlands are this week being asked: “Are you ready for winter?”
The seasonal query centres around the annual Ready Scotland campaign which seeks to prepare people for unpredictable weather, challenging driving conditions and potential school closures and power cuts.
Highland Council, responsible for schools and roads, this week shed light on its own preparations, revealing that it has 35,000 tonnes of road salt in stock with another 25,000 tonnes on order.
A staff of 200 is responsible for operating its 105 gritters, 45 footpath tractors and one snow cutter for its winter maintenance services. The local authority is responsible for 4190 miles of roads.
Councillor Allan Henderson, Highland Council’s chair of community services committee, said: “Are you ready at home and on the move for winter? Have you got a winter kit in your car? Are you prepared for all eventualities? Are you looking out for elderly neighbours? Do you know how to find out and what to do if your school is closed? I urge folks to be prepared and be ready for winter so that you are not caught out.”

Highland Council has a winter roads maintenance budget of £5.22 million for 2016/17. Trunk roads in Highland are the responsibility of Transport Scotland and their operators Bear Scotland.
Roads are gritted according to policy and priority. Primary routes are gritted Mondays to Saturdays 6am to 9pm and on Sundays and public holidays from 7am to 9pm. Secondary routes will follow the completion of primary routes and are gritted Mondays to Saturdays from 6am to 6pm within available resources. “Other” routes are treated as resources permit. In extreme conditions all efforts will be made to keep Primary routes clear.
Grit/salt bins on council roads have a telephone number displayed on them to allow the public to request a refill. The council’s Winter Maintenance Policy and existing local area gritting maps are on the council’s website at www.highland.gov.uk/gritting.
To find out if Highland schools are closed, check the council’s website www.highland.gov.uk/school closures or call the school information line on 0800 564 2272 and dial in your local school PIN number to get the latest prerecorded message from the head teacher. The list of school PIN numbers is on the council’s website at www.highland.gov.uk/schoolclosures.